Bob's Diary
What follows are extracts from the Diary of Jim "Bob" Carrington, edited for sake of consistency and clarity:
18th October 2012 :
Well, I've finally done it, I've left the Army and
joined this lot, I'm still wondering if I've made the right
choice in joining a band of mercenaries but then again what the
hell are my options? I couldn't stay in the army after what
happened and lets face it I'm not exactly cut out for the civie
life, so mercenary it is. Besides, they pay well.
Today I met the rest of my squad, I'd got past through their
basic training program fast thanks to the army training, from
what I hear they're pretty tough on newbies here, they only take
the best, I suppose that's a compliment of some kind. The Drill
Sergeant (who has SARGE marked on his uniform in case he forgets)
is a joke, I've met people tougher than him serving soup, he does
seem to be good with a gun though so I'll keep in line. We've got
our first advance training session in the morning, should be fun.
19th October 2012:
Paintball today, they seem to want initiative in this place, they
just left us a note with a time on it, well initiative is
something I'm good at (too good sometimes) so I went and had
something to eat, I know what battle on an empty stomach feels
like, then went to the sound stage (this headquarters has a Sound
Stage, I'm impressed) and waited for the others to show. We got
there early so we kited out with the best guns and rearranged the
furniture a little for ambush tactics. Ambush tactics work when
no ones expecting them <grin>.
In the afternoon we had to decide nicknames for each other (for
the Uniforms and Codenames), I think I came out all right (Bitch
and Pixie probably got the worst I guess) with Bob.
17th February 2013:
Training's going well, the group seems to be going well,
I've noticed my aim's improved a bit.
1st March 2013:
Fist Mission today, the training ends and we see some
action. Kuri gave the briefing, the job is a tricky one, find out
if a marine research facility is genetically engineering Sea
Anemones to form a organic minefield. It scares me to think of
the possibilities if they have, I was on a transport that got hit
once, it wasn't pretty. Exactly how we're supposed to do this one
without it ending up a messy inferno is a mystery to me, I guess
we'll have to wing it. The plan is to send in the thieves and
have the Heavy squad (me at the wheel of a Jeep with Blue and
Bruce on board) waiting outside for backup if necessary.
On a better note we actually got our hands on some real weapons
today, they're pretty good and give you what you want providing
you're qualified to handle it. I opted for an AK47 rather than
the standard issue M16, the AK is a wonderful weapon, the Soviets
designed it over 30 years ago to be standard issue for their
infantry to use in places as different as Siberia and
Afghanistan, you can haul the damm thing through a swamp and
providing you keep it clean it'll still work. I like my AK.
2nd March 2013:
As predicted the Marine Facility mission didn't go quite as
smoothly as hoped. The Thieves got in and were doing fine until
Spock set off the alarm, after this things went downhill, Bitch
silenced the alarm with a knife (subtle). She and Pixie took out
the two security guards while we sped through the perimeter fence
(I sort of dented the Jeep on a fence post so I'm not entirely
blameless here). Someone killed a scientist working there late at
night before we grabbed all the data we could and burned the
place to the ground. Somehow I think that bit was inevitable.
Index ; What the F*ck ; Body Count ; Who's playing Who ; What's been happening