There's nothing to see here except for shadows of the past - and these ones won't be returning.
I'd point you to my next project here - but I'm not that organised. My style is to act and then sort out the consequences, rather than the other way around. Oh, and lying. I do that a lot too. (i.e. if you look closely, you may have seen some links appearing roughly once a week)
Vitenka.com is registered to me for the forseeable future, so you might find something there.
Edited by Vitenka at 2003-04-09 08:22:54
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Vitenka : Wed 3 02:16:35 2002
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The comments (however few they may be) are in, and the decisions are made.
The proposal has become a plan
This is all based upon two guiding principles.
- The site is, and shall remain, community driven.
- People are very lazy, and what effort they do put forth comes in bursts.
So. Here is the plan of work.
- The 'who is morat' list is usually out of date.
Action: Find out who is and who wants to be involved in the news team. Create and maintain a better list.
The news-crew needs a small website of its own. A place to store documents that only the news team care about. This site will be publically accessable, but the public will probably not want to visit it for fear of spoiling any surprises that the news team are cooking up. (Such as new promotions, half written articles etc.)
Action: Ask any of team-ennui for a freespace account and associate feeds/columns.
Many future items on this list require the co-operation of the design team.
Action: Prod madkrew back into wakefulness. They can usually be found in irc. Explain what we will need.
The pester RT (as detailed in the proposal) is accepted without change.
Action: Only ennui has both the knowledge and the access to set up a new @morat address. Ask him for news@ and news-submit@. Remind him that mc has the knowledge, but not the access. Then ask either ennui or derfs for the RT. Begin populating the RT with admins.
PR Blitz phase one - get more people writing for us.
Action: Continue leading by example, people are starting to post columns. Advertise the existence of news-submit@morat.net in the main news.
The 'which sites need checking' list is accepted as a good idea.
Action: Shanghai vitani into writing us an implementation. Pester team-ennui into giving database access to the news team site.
The news doesn't show up on the main page at all. The link to 'add more news' needs more prominence.
Action: The newly awakened design team needs breifing on exactly what we want, and pestering until they do it. Discussion with them as to our exact needs.
We need more admins, and we need them to know what they are doing.
Action: Write, or get someone else to write, a 'how to use the RT' document. The existing news system documentation should be sufficient, but have informal training sessions in irc. Make sure that all current admins know that they should be actively recruiting more writers and admins.
The remainder of the PR campaign (as detailed in the proposal) seems fine in scope - but certain controversial items need discussion.
Action: Within the news team decide whether a news-letter is a good idea. Check with ennui as to when the purge is going to happen. Decide whether we have grown fast enough, or whether we should blind-mail other writers.
- Polls. Low priority, but if anyone has any spare time...
- Images in news items. Do we WANT to allow them? In columns, we almost certainly do. Until we have a formal system, we need a policy on uploading images to freespace.
Action: Decide where images should be uploaded, where images are appropriate, write a document, and wait for the cms to soothe all our woes.
The 'news submitted by' can be done by hand for now, but should eventually be an additional tag.
Action: None. Wait for the new cms.
- Test that #id meta tag works.
Action: Add its use into the news system documentaion.
All right. It's a fairly short attainable plan. I've listed it in priority order, but don't worry too much about it. If you think you can get a later item on the list done then don't hold off just because an earlier one hasn't been.
This isn't just me - this is you. If you want any part of the news team, then just start doing it. |
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