Gnoll Family Robinson. This one is mostly a test of Advantage scene framing system. (That is, bid style points to frame scenes.) Up to each player whether to play them as nasty evil critter, dumb yip-yip things, or anything inbetween. They start out a newly marooned young scout group, a landslide has cut off their lands from the mainland and have to live as best they can. Play order: Pick some players and give them a "talk only" scene, in which they posture for dominance. The other players award 1-2 style points to whoever they think did best (points paid by GM, not lost from the players) Then players bid style to set their conflict scene - the big 'coming of age' trial that they went through. There are some samples below if the player can't think of anything good. After the conflict, they get to award themself a new trait. At the end we have a big multi-way conflict to see who gets to lead the pack, now they've all become adults in their own eyes. In every conflict, the GM should offer a 2-die 'counting coup' bonus goal, whih will award the player an extra trait. TODO: Sample conflicts. This is basically a test of the advantage2 system, and seriously steals from Polaris.